Introduce Reverse Vending Machine in Bangladesh
Plastics are made of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials. Plastic materials are very common in our daily life. It makes easier to create different useful materials and package. But plastic objects are very harmful for the environment. Because it does not mix with soil and water. It is really impossible to lead a life without plastic made materials such as polybags, bottles, bucket, material’s handle , electric switch etc. In this case we can reduce the amount of newly production of plastic materials by recycling existing plastic objects to reusable plastic objects. But before reproduce we have to collect existing used materials from the live hood. After that we can send those used plastic for reproduction. In this case we can collect unusable or used plastics with the help of Reverse Vending Machine .

Reverse vending machine is used for collecting drink containers such as plastic bottle, glass bottle and aluminum can for recycling. This machine installed in most of the developed countries. Even India has installed this machine in many places. Reverse vending machine is not popular in our country. Because it has not launched formally in our country yet. A basic reverse vending machine was introduced in Dhaka City by Coca-Cola in Dhaka City in 2014 for a campaigning purpose only [ Source: Brand Channel ]. But we need official launching of this machine in our country as early as possible.
A research showed that more than 1 in 2 (53%) said plastic waste is the biggest threat to the world’s oceans.
So, If we can not stop plastic pollution as well as environment pollution in time then it may affect global warming. It is also harmful for living objects in the ocean. Plastic pollutions also damage soil and fertile land. Now , it is high time to do for the society and environment by launching reverse vending machine in Bangladesh. It will also save money be reproducing plastic, glass and aluminum materials.
Plan for Launching the Machine in Bangladesh
At first we have to know the benefits of using reverse vending machine in our country. Benefits of the machine from different perspective has discussed below.
Environmental Benefits: Earlier many people through their drinks can or bottle after drinking. As a result many of those mixed with soil, cannel, river, ocean. As a result it can not be used for recycling as well as it pollute the environment. But now many people using reverse vending machine to drop their unused bottle and can after drinking. Even many people collect unused bottle and can from road, street, park ect. place and drop it in the machine. On the other hand it helps to collect those bottle and can for recycling which is cost saving and reducing environment pollution.
Benefits of Public: First of all people can expect better environment by reducing environmental pollutions. Besides, they will get reward point or coin for depositing bottles or cans.
Benefits of Government: With the help of machine, government can collect recyclable materials. That will helps them to reduce environment pollution. Besides government can sell collected materials to producers. From that they can earn economic benefits.
Benefits for Sponsors: Sponsors can post their add on the body of machine. It will increase their good will. Even they can resell or use the collected materials after getting government’s approval.
Benefits for Service Provider: In the mean while company like us can get installation service fee for set up the machine in different area.
Project Implementation Plan
Procurement & Sponsorship
According to India Mart the price of the machine is around RS. 2.5 Lac. So, we can expect that the price in BDT will be within BDT. 3 Lac. and government will prove tax free import facility for this import. Price of purchase can be provided by government directly through City Corporation, Ministry or other departments. Besides different NGO’s and stablished organizations can also finance for import and installation of the machine.
Installation Fee
Installation cost may vary from BDT 20,000 to 30,000.
Operation and Reward Plan
Recycling Process
The process start from bottle and can factories. Different factories produce bottle and can for soft drinks producers. Some soft drink producer have own unit for producing bottle and can. They sell drinks including to general people through distribution channels. Then people will deposit used bottle or can after consumption. After that city corporation will collect those materials and sell it to bottle and can factories for reproducing.

Reward Point Earn & Distribution
People have to register using their mobile number through reverse vending machine. Their mobile number will be considered as mobile number. They will earn 1 point for depositing plastic bottle of below 1 Ltr, 2 points for plastic bottle of 1 Ltr or above, 3 point for depositing intact glass bottle and 2 points for depositing each aluminum can. First time registration bonus 10 points.
Deposit Material | Earn Point |
Plastic Bottle of below 1 ltr. size | 1 |
Plastic Bottle of 1 ltr. Or above size | 2 |
250 ml Size Glass Bottle | 3 |
Aluminium Can | 2 |
Each point is equivalent to BDT 1 . A member has to withdraw or encash minimum BDT 50 or above each time. They can get the money through MFS such as bkash, nagad etc or mobile recharge. This payment cost will be beard by government agency, city corporation or sponsor who will resell the recycled materials.
Targeted Area
Setup of the machine needs to start from Dhaka and major cities. Them gradually it will set in tourist and crowded places. In the city area , market, bus stand, educational institutions ect. are can be firs priority.
Maintenance Fee
Maintenance fee such as electricity bill, space rent, internet connection bill ect. will be provided by city corporation or entity who will sell the collected materials.
Finally we can say that the reverse vending machine will be beneficial for nation as well as whole world as environment pollution affects other countries. Besides recycling will be cost saving too.
Articles / By Md Mostafizur Rahman / April 12, 2021